Monday, April 19, 2010

"Post-Village People it's much harder to take the Navy seriously"

Our Man in Hanoi blogger Steve shared a link to "Commandos at peace time" a photo diary of sorts published by the People's Army of Vietnam website this morning.  While most seem to be standard pictures there are a few gems that stick out like this:

"Happiness after a sea patrol" complete with guitar-wielding sailors frolicking in fields with their ao dai garbed girlfriends who assuredly have been waiting at the port in those pristine fabrics since their sailor loves left. Steve commented how "post-Village People, it's much harder to take the Navy seriously," which sparked an idea:

Vietnam cities are inundated with propaganda posters, particularly in the build up to holidays. Right now Saigon is filled with 35 year anniversary Liberation Day posters with the typical tank and grinning soldiers. But thinking back to the posters I've seen they almost have all the ingredients for a socialist realism rendition of the disco-hit making Village People. Police? Check. Construction workers? Check. Soldier? Easy. So we just needed a few more and we can have a complete set. With a little photoshop help to add the Cowboy and Indian and of course the required mustache here and there, I bring you this little draft:

People's Committee officials, contact me when you want to sign a contract.

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